Fasting Day 2

Day 2 of just water was Hell. It started off great and I managed to work all through 1pm but my migraine persisted making it hard to function. I believe at this point my body was having a heavy withdrawal from coffee and sugar. I spent the evening with nausea and feeling hot & cold. Experiencing a fever and covering & uncovering my body. I had a splurge of energy and managed to be able to put away all of the Halloween decorations as well as clean the house a bit but plopped myself back on the couch. Someone suggested adding pink Himalayan salt to my water or just to my tongue so I did that. However,my body reacted poorly and started to have even more nausea. I assume the salt triggered my body. A friend suggested Burdock root for the fast and so I brewed up some and slowly drank it. The warmth was so delicious. Tasted like the best tea in my life even though my partner thought it was bitter. Crazy how just 2 days without anything but water can heighten your taste buds. The Burdock tea was great for alleviating some of the nausea and helped me relax. My sleep pattern was rough last night. My partner made some food and the smell of the food made me even more nauseous as it permeated my apartment. Perhaps my body had grown accustomed to being totally pure. The smell drove me wild but I was persistent and did not want to break my fast so just went right back to sleep. I had many dreams. One in particular stood out to me. I was back in NYC in a trainstation. It was dark. A train conductor strapped me into a chair on the train tracks. It seemed like a futuristic way to transport. Instead of sharing a train with many people,we had our own chair,strapped in. Almost like a roller coaster ride. Singular trip,on your own. It was interesting. Maybe it’s a metaphor for this journey being something very personal and individual for me. Probably why I deleted my Instagram and just wanted to write personally on my blog so as to not get multiple influences on social media.

I’ve also been flipping a Tatot card for myself every morning and the symbolism is spot on. On the 1st day, the Tarot was about returning to the “Lower World” to face my past and gather memories from it and recall things so I can heal from them and move forward.

Yesterday the card was “Soul Retrieval” and it talked about returning to the Lower Worlds our past to return my soul to myself. The card stated that I had lost my soul through either pain,trauma or abuse and that I need to find my soul again.

It was so astounding how both cards were related,and were pulled one after the other on these 2 days of fasting. Indeed,I’ve been in a brain fog for almost a year and part of what’s happening and why I’m doing a fast is to reboot and reclaim myself and my body. Everything is divine when we intertwine them.

My spiritual altar has been giving me a lot of reinforcement during these days. It helped me make it through the night and into the morning to feel like my ancestors are rooting for me.

Skye Cabrera