Things I want in a partner:
she’s gotta love music
be spiritual. Not as in an act, but an everyday way of life and how she views it.
she must
listen to understand, not to react.listen to not use my stories against me, but to encourage me when I forget who I am.
be the kind of attractive that is more than skin deep. The kind that illuminates an entire room and makes everyone want to be a better person.
be kind.
Use her words lovingly
and know how to say sorry when she doesn’t.
know when to admit when she’s wrong
know when love is stronger than pride
and there is no battle to win here, we are both on the same team.
wants to do it anywhere
whenever the mood hits
whenever the light hits the perfect curve of my lips and willing to let me inside
outside or in a car or on a soft couch or in our favorite bed. Who gives me the look of love
and means it from the soul.
tender and true
transparent and honest
Giving and equally
willing to receive.